The Kiel Canal

We had come through the lock around 2 pm and looked at our options to stop for the night. Since Yachts must stop at 2100 latest we knew we could not do the whole canal (around 100 km or 50 miles) the same day.

There are places in the canal, where you are allowed to moor, but there was normally nothing to see there. The best option was to go 60 km to Rendsburg, the only town on the canal.

We arrived there a little before 2100. We had heard that they play the national anthem of boats passing by, but we got none of that. However, the Swedish flag was hoisted at the Yacht greeting place we passed just before the entry to Rendsburg.

Having moored in the yacht harbour, we went to see the town. It was almost completely deserted, but after a while a group of young people came onto the streets. Everybody hade been watching football, where Germany played (and won..) their first match.

The next morning we got up early in order to shower, shop and get going early. We had breakfast once back on the canal. It was a nice day, with a weak westerly wind.

Around midday we arrived in the Holtenau lock in Kiel. The Reeds nautical almanack noted the price to pass the canal as 47 Euro and that cards would be accepted. None of this turned out to be true. The price for a 10 m boat was 12 Euro and cards were NOT accepted!

We did not stop in Kiel, but went traight for the sea.

The Holtenau lock.

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